26 - 29 June 2025

Patrons & Benefactors

Without the backing of our Friends, Patrons and Benefactors, it would not have been possible to stage Hinterland.

If you'd like to donate more to support the Festival in Kells, you can reach us through our office at +353 (0)83 096 9345, or by email at info@hinterland.ie

Honorary Patrons

Lyndy Cooke, Bryan McMahon

Our Patrons & Benefactors

Matthew & Diane Barrett, Dermot Mulvihill, Frank Brady, Miriam & Martin Skelly, J & C Sheridan, Michael O’Byrne, Simon & Loraine McAleese, Marylynn Chamberlayne, Pamela & Paddy Rogers, Darren O’Rourke, Sarah Thompson, Helen McEntee, Conor Shaffrey, Seamus Keaveny, Michael & Tara Gavigan, Darragh Byrne & Cara Gavigan.

The Jane Barrett Stage

The Festival was pleased this year to receive support from a benefactor, who wished to honour the loving memory of Jane Barrett, a lifelong neighbour of this historic site in her home nearby on Cannon Street.

The naming of the Jane Barrett Stage was an apt choice. Jane was a talented amateur stage actress and singer in her young adulthood, and was the lead in multiple local productions. She inherited her musical and stage talents from her father, who was the popular big-band leader of the Jack Barrett Orchestra (dance music) and the Boyne Quartet (Gaelic music) and internationally acclaimed for his virtuosity in Piano Accordion.

So, from a family tradition steeped in music appreciation and performance, Jane would have been an enthusiastic supporter of these musical events by gifted performers.Their staging at this beautiful site of historic importance would have added even more appeal.

Jane was an advocate of the Festival’s work in expanding further the town’s reputation - as a noteworthy centre for celebrating excellence in multidisciplinary arts, and welcoming artisans of renown and the visitors who will flock to see them.

Hinterland Festival sign